Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tonight I was having some quiet time, almost everyone in the house is sick, has been sick, or is coming down with something. So it was unusually quiet.... earlier when I got off work, my 16 year old daughter Caysee wanted me to take her to Rue 21 to pick up some leggings to wear under a skirt. We shopped and shared a little girl time looking at clothes together.

I looked around at some of the girls shopping in the store, and Man, did I feel a little old and out of touch. Me, best dressed in school, -- OLD, Out of shape, and Out dated! I looked closer at what these girls were wearing, at 5:15pm... sequins, 5 inch heels, 5 & 6 necklaces, bracelets , and huge earrings. Something you might see in line at 1 AM trying to get into a club in Atlanta! Thankfully, Caysee doesn't like skinny leg jeans, heels, sequined low-cut tops, and tons of necklaces. She's not a high-maintenance type of girl (Thank YOU Jesus!) But she has pretty good values. I started thinking about this precious gift of a daughter the Lord has given to me..... She struggles in academics, she's pretty naive' for a 16yr old, and this little girl LOVES Jesus.
I struck up a conversation with her about clothes in general in the car, and she just blurts out of the blue that a girl in her class is pregnant. A 15yr old girl is pregnant. She tells me that this little girl has a 1yr old baby already and is pregnant again, at 15.

I thought about the clothes these girls were wearing, I thought about the boys looking at the clothes these girls were wearing, and I thought, You know it just was not this hard when I was 15. I was all giggly and butterfly stomach feeling over the POSSIBILITY of getting to sit next to a boy on the bus coming home from an away football game! (I was in the band, and those bus trips were exciting!) But having sex? You know my mother never sat me down and told me what a "gift and treasure" I could give to my husband. Why it was so important to wait until marriage. That God had carved out the man I was to be "the helper" of, the man HE had picked out for me from the foundation of the earth!.... EVEN THOUGH I didn't get that speech, I did get it pounded over me thru religion! (I am the granddaughter of 2 pastors) So I'm not sure if it would have made a difference, but I would like to think it would have. I thought about the long talks I have had with Caysee about the "treasure" she is and the treasure she will be to the man God has picked out for her. I thought about this 15 year old girl who didn't have a mother tell her what a gift she had for her husband. And.... my heart went out to this poor girl who bought the Devil's lie that she could get love and acceptance thru sex, and she gave herself away to the enemy of her soul......

I turned the conversation back to Caysee and asked if she had asked this little girl to come to church, and she said, Mom, she doesn’t go to church. I pressed her and said, Caysee did you ask her?, she said, "Mom, I don't feel right asking her to come to church, I mean, I don't know what to say to her" I said, Caysee, how would you feel if you had messed up, and now, you were pregnant again, she fired back at me, Mom, I wouldn't do that, I know, I said, ok, but you have made mistakes, would you be kind of down? She said yeah.... I said, well the bible says that Jesus is close to the broken hearted, so maybe Jesus wants to use your mouth to be nice to this girl, and tell her about him and that he loves her. She kind of nodded.... but right there, I felt it in my spirit that here was my "teachable moment"! What an awesome gift the Lord gave me with MY daughter, He came in and redeemed that part of my life too....

Father, I pray, just as Jesus prayed, Not that you take Caysee out of this world, but that you guard her from the enemy of her soul! Protect her and give your angels charge over her to protect her in all her ways. She shows such faith in You Jesus. She is an ENORMOUS light in her generation, Father, may she make Your Name Famous and WELL known to everyone within her sphere of influence. Equip me Lord to lead her in the natural "bent" of her own personality and gifts you so lavished on her! Father, thank you for allowing me to see you did not "make" her handicapped, but equipped to fulfill your good works and your purpose for which you created her! May she always dwell in your house and may Your Praises forever be on her tongue! In Jesus Name! Amen!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I have a hard time finding clothes for Bethany because she has to have the plus size... I refuse to spend the money some clothes stores But, because of that, I've heard people say, 'just go to the juniors section.' Oh, I've gone, and we won't go back any time soon. Where did all the material go?! It is so sad to see these young girls half dressed, if you can even call it that for some. Our society preys on them and their parents are allowing this.

Your daughter sounds sweet, Kristi. And her innocence is very refreshing!

P.S. I didn't know you started a blog! Girl, I'm following along with you. Hop over to mine when you get a chance.