Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Un-christian-like opinion?

This is a problem I have with what is being "implied". That it is "un-christian like" for me to oppose helping people who can not afford health care. My problem is NOT with helping my neighbor. This healthcare would pay for abortions. Granted it has been fine-tuned to only include abortions in the case of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. But it still pays for something morally I cannot support. This isn't political, it's moral.

I also have a problem with someone telling me I am "un-christian -like", when my God has been removed from schools, from prayer and made to be a moment of silence, from our pledge of alliegence, from our currancy, The 10- commandments removed from any public buildings, any mention of God from any public buildings, from curriculum, and my Christian values become the radical oppinion, and then turn those values around and try to guilt me into accepting a health care plan to help the poor that I morally believe is wrong! I don't think so.

I also have a problem with the white house keeping tabs on anyone who opposes or questions this healthcare plan. And the public was told to report these people (emails) to
And, just this week, the white house removed the video!
In the mean time, senator Cornyn asked the white house to stop this practice of compiling lists of people opposing healthcare!

I'm not feeling this way because of a candidate, a particular political party, or anything but reading and investigating for myself. And healthcare is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 13 clearly states that we must obey governmental leaders because all authority comes from God. But, in America, is it not "We the people"?
Here in America, at least, we express our obedience to God by exercising our rights and privileges as citizens, through our voice and our vote.

But here we have a government imposing forced health care and socialized medicine! Well I look at it like this, for me to voluntarily help the poor and needy is a worthy, scriptural, honorable and Christ-like act of human compassion. But for government to take our money is stealing for which somebody should go to jail! This isn't giving Ceasar what is Ceasar's, this isn't taxes! This is forcing an anti-christian healthcare plan on me. A Christian.

Do Christians VOLUNTARILY pay tithes, help the poor and give to the needy? Yes!
Is it scriptural? Absolutely it is! But does the church TAKE it by force, or do you give it cheerfully? And is it between you and God?

And, here's another problem... stay with me here, if we have a govt run health care, they can impose something as "law" that we have to have done, consider this:
Read this article from 2005:

Chip Implants: Better Care or Privacy Scare?
Implanted RFID Chips Carry Coded Medical Information
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News

July 27, 2005 -- They're here. They have FDA approval. But are Americans ready to get chipped?

Getting chipped means having a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip implanted in your body. The chip -- about the size of a large grain of rice -- lies dormant until a special scanner is passed within 6 inches of the implant. Then it emits a radio signal that beams a 16-digit number to the scanner.

For security uses, that 16-digit number acts like an electronic key. For medical uses, the number is linked to medical records. Doctors to whom you've granted access -- emergency room doctors, for example -- can use the key to quickly get hold of your medical records.

Who would want such a thing? That depends on how you ask, says Scott Silverman, CEO of Applied Digital, which makes the FDA-approved RFID called VeriChip.

"When we first announced VeriChip, a network poll asked people if they would put one in their bodies," Silverman tells WebMD. "Only 9% said yes. After FDA approval, 19% said yes. When former HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson joined our board, the rate went up to 33%. But our own study shows that if you ask people whether they would have a VeriChip implant to identify their medical records in case of an emergency, the positive response goes to 80%."

The chip got FDA approval in October 2004. Since then, Silverman says, some 2,000 people worldwide are using them for medical or security purposes. But soon he expects that millions of people will get VeriChip implants every year.

Who Would Use RFID Implants?

Silverman says the medical chips are meant for five groups of patients:

* People with other implanted medical devices, such as defibrillators.
* Heart patients, especially patients who have stents in one or more blood vessels.
* People with diabetes.
* Memory-impaired patients, such as people with Alzheimer's disease.
* Patients who need frequent medical care.

The devices won't do much good unless hospitals buy scanners. Applied Digital maintains a secure database to hold client records. But many hospitals using the system will set up secure databases to hold -- and to safeguard -- the medical records of patients with RFID implants.

Two hospitals already are set up to do this: New Jersey's Hackensack Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

John Halamka, MD, an emergency-room doctor at Beth Israel Deaconess, has one of the chips implanted in the back of his right arm, between the elbow and the shoulder. An account of his impressions appears in the July 28 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

"A small amount of anesthetic is injected before the implantation is done, so the actual implant insertion feels just like receiving a vaccine -- a bit of pressure, not specific pain," Halamka writes WebMD in an email. "The chip has not had any impact on my self-image. I think of it as just another technology that provides practical value for me, such as my BlackBerry.

Now, they're imposing that these chips can monitor our blood to determine exposure to certain diseases etc..... what is to stop monitoring for anything after that?

What's the big deal right?
Rev 13:16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

It is immoral to rob citizens of the their hard-earned money in order to give to other citizens something that they did not earn. That is government-sanctioned stealing, pure and simple. And it is anti-Christian to take something out of the hands of individual believers something that they should voluntarily do out of their compassion for the poor, and place it in the hands of government to do through a mandated program.

Nowhere in the Gospels, or the New Testament for the matter, are we commanded to create government programs for anything. We are commanded, individually and voluntarily, to 'minister to the sick, help the poor, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and visit the lonely and imprisoned.

When government does these things for us, it has the net effect of absolving us of our individual responsibility for these things. We can then rest with the self-deceived notion that 'somebody else is doing it' and then sit back and relax without lifting a finger.

Would Jesus be proud of his disciples basking in their laziness after creating a government program to do everything he told individual Christians to do?

I am passionate about this, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME WANTING TO DO SOMETHING "FOR GOD" as if that were even possible?? What can I do but offer Him mere Praise? But, He NEVER intended for us to sit passively by while the very things HE has given us are taken away..... When God gave Joshua, "everywhere the sole of his foot tread"... he still had to "tread"! When he gave David victory over the 9ft Philestine, he still threw the rock, It is God who gives victory.... thru us, not of anything we have done, but what He does thru us. I am who I am only by God's grace and nothing of myself, But he gives you and I an obligation to help the poor....... that does NOT mean to help the poor by supporting BIG Government injustice! This may be MY path that God has made me passionate about, I know it has sparked a fire in me not to stir up anger... but to call Christians to shake off the apathy and indifference!!

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